Eligible businesses can claim an immediate deduction for the business portion of the cost of an asset in the year the asset is first used or installed ready for use.

Suitable for leases over high value, long life assets. Flexibility and options at end of term. You may be entitled to claim depreciation on the asset. The interest component of the lease payment is typically tax deductible. GST will be payable over the lease term.You can expect lower monthly payments for a finance lease with a residual value than you would pay for an operating lease. Further, you can purchase the asset for the residual value at end of term.
Suitable for assets that have a long useful life and retain their value. Asset & liability – interest and depreciation typically claimable as a tax deduction*.GST is paid upfront and you can claim GST at the start of the lease term. Ownership transfers to you after all amounts due under the lease are paid.

We finance your asset purchase and take security over that asset. GST can be paid upfront or financed together with the asset and you can claim GST in the period in which the asset was purchased. Interest and depreciation typically claimable as a tax deduction*

Lease to Own
Stay ahead of the competition
It is important to stay ahead of your competition. With Lease-To-Own you can put your cash to better use and gain the benefit of owning the latest technology.
Ideal for businesses planning to use equipment for longer than 3 years. It is best suited for technology that retains its value over the term of the agreement. After the last payment is made, ownership transfers to you.